6个Instagram KOL DM联系模版

对于品牌方来说,和海外红人/KOL的联系是非常有挑战性的. 要知道怎么能用文字吸引红人的眼球, 并且看上去不浮夸,甚至是更糟糕,令人厌恶的. 品牌方都至少有一次机会在KOL/红人面前留下非常好的第一印象. 所以, 在联系之前,需要充分了解自己的产品,以及联系哪些红人, 准备通过什么平台和方式去联系, 都需要有Pitch 策略. 小编今天将分享一些Instagram DM的联系模版,希望能为各大品牌方带来灵感和价值.

在使用Instagram之前,你要明白不同的平台和不同的联系方式都有各自的优势和劣势. 当你使用Instagram DM时,尽量保持更随意轻松的状态. 信息需要友好,简短,直接. 同时不会给KOL/红人造成来回沟通的误会. 这样的信息通常会立即引起KOL/红人的回复, 可以查看以下信息模版:


Hey [Insert Influencer Name],

I have been following your profile on [insert social media platform] and really loved your post(s) on [insert topic]. [Insert another sentence about their feed that adds a human element].

My name is [insert name here] and I work for [insert company name]. We [insert what you do/sell]. Since [insert what they are passionate about or what they like to post about that coincides with your brand], I thought I would reach out to see if you would be open to testing our product and doing a collaboration together!

Let me know if you are interested and I will send more details!


[insert your name here]


Hey Julie,

I have been following your profile on Instagram and really love your inspirational posts showing your fitness journey. Not to mention your dog, Waffles, is sooo cute!

My name is ** and I work for Flex. We sell organic protein powders and shakes created by women, for women. Since you are passionate about sharing your fitness journey, I thought I would reach out to see if you would be open to testing our product and doing a collaboration together!

Let me know if you are interested and I will send more details!


Your name

普通的合作模版 v2

Hey [insert influencer name],

The team and I loved your post about [insert description of related post]. At [insert company name here] we [insert what you do/sell]. We’d love to send some your way so you can give it a try and share with your audience!

Let me know if you’d be interested - thanks! -[insert your name here]

普通的合作模版 v3

Hey Erica,

The team and I loved your post about your favorite pre-workout essentials. At Flex, we make organic protein powders and shakes for women. We’d love to send some your way so you can give it a try and share with your audience!

Let me know if you’d be interested - thanks! -Your name

品牌形象大使活动模版 V1

Hey [insert influencer name],

My name is [insert name here] and I’m with [insert company here]. We have been following your profile on [insert social media platform] and love your posts on [insert topic]. We would like to invite you to become a brand ambassador for our company! We think your [insert a reference to a topic they post about] really aligns with our company’s mission [insert info about what you offer and your brand’s purpose].

As a brand ambassador, you’d partner with us for [insert how you plan to utilize your ambassadors].

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more with you to go over what our brand ambassador program is all about!


[insert your name here]

品牌形象大使活动模版 V2

Hey Lauren,

My name is ** and I’m with Flex. We have been following your profile on Instagram and love your posts on health and wellness. We would like to invite you to become a brand ambassador for our company! We think your belief in using organic products to live a healthy lifestyle really aligns with our company’s mission to help women reach their wellness goals with products made with them in mind.

As a brand ambassador, you’d partner with us for social media campaigns and content featuring our organic protein powders and shakes. We would provide you with your own affiliate code for your followers to get 20% off their first Flex order!

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more with you to go over what our brand ambassador program is all about! Thanks!




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