什么是Wish Express?我如何参加?

通过向用户证明商户能够快速配送订单,可让用户建立对商户的信任,商户也因为快速配送而能获得更高的曝光量,并吸引更多回头客。为了鼓励商户为用户提供特快配送选项,Wish Express项目为符合条件的产品和订单提供了一系列权益。本文将为商户解答有关Wish Express的一些常见问题。


1.什么是Wish Express?我如何参加?

Wish Express为商户提供了诸多权益,只要商户为产品设置快速配送选项就能享受这些权益。

Wish Express的权益包括但不限于:




·在Wish应用或wish.com上设立专门的“Express”(速运)页面展示Wish Express产品

所有商户均可自动参加Wish Express,无需额外注册或申请。是否符合Wish Express资格取决于商户为产品和各目的国/地区设置的最长妥投天数,具体请见下文。

具体来说,对于主仓库和/或二级仓库中的活跃产品,如果商户将Wish支持配送的任意目的地的“最长妥投天数”设置为5个工作日或更少(商户政策10.2中列出的12个国家/地区除外;例如,Wish Express法国路向的“最长妥投天数”须为6个工作日或更少方可视为Wish Express产品),相关产品将被视为Wish Express产品,并有资格享受相应的福利。

此外,如果商户没有按产品和目的国/地区设置“最长妥投天数”,Wish向用户显示的妥投天数将默认为5个工作日(商户政策10.2中列出的12个目的国/地区除外;例如,法国的默认妥投时限为6个工作日),这些产品也有资格享受Wish Express福利。

如需了解有关如何为产品设置“最长妥投天数”才能享受Wish Express权益的更多信息,请参阅以下文章:




Leverage Wish Express for your fast-shipping products

By demonstrating to customers that merchants can ship orders speedily,merchants build trust among their customer base,receive potentially more impressions thanks to the fast delivery,and attract repeat customers.To encourage merchants to offer customers expedited shipping options,the Wish Express program provides merchants with a series of benefits to eligible,fast-shipping products and orders.This article walks merchants through some frequently asked questions about Wish Express.

1.What is Wish Express and how do I participate?

Wish Express offers merchants a number of benefits when merchants set up expedited shipping options for their products.

Wish Express benefits include,but are not limited to:

·Increased product impressions

·Faster order payment eligibility

·A unique orange truck badge highlighting your fast-shipping products in Wish app or wish.com

·A dedicated"Express"section in Wish app or wish.com to surface Wish Express products

All merchants automatically have access to Wish Express without needing to go through a sign-up or application process.As shown below,eligibility for Wish Express depends on the max delivery days per product per destination.

Specifically,for an active product in the Primary and/or Secondary warehouse,if merchants set the“max delivery days”for any Wish-supported destinations as 5 or fewer business days(with the exception of the 12 countries listed in Merchant Policy 10.2;for example,merchants may set the max delivery days for France as 6 business days or fewer to be eligible for Wish Express),related products will be considered Wish Express products and eligible for relevant benefits.

In addition,if merchants do not manually set the“max delivery days”per product per destination,Wish will default the delivery days shown to customers as 5 business days(with the exceptions for 12 destination countries listed in Merchant Policy 10.2;for example,the default delivery timeline will be 6 business days for France),and the product will also be eligible to receive Wish Express benefits as well.

To learn more about how to set the max delivery days for products,so that they may be eligible for Wish Express benefits,please visit the following articles:

·For merchants based outside of Mainland China,visit here.

·For merchants based in Mainland China,visit here.



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